The Lost Wax Process
Bronze objects have been created for over 6000 years. Craftsmen used bronze because it melted easily and hardened to a durable finish. Around 4000 years ago, artists in Mesopotamia began using the “lost wax” process to create larger, hollow castings. The “lost wax” process is still in use today.
Creating a bronze sculpture requires many steps. The artist of today first creates a model, typically in oil or water base clay. Rubber is applied to the surface of the model and a plaster “mother mold” is added to the rubber. The mold is made in multiple pieces and is then removed from the original model. The rubber and plaster mold is reassembled and filled with molten wax. The still liquid wax is poured out of the mold, leaving a thin wax shell. The rubber and plaster mold is disassembled and the wax pattern is removed. The surface of the wax is a copy of the original model, but will have some defects that must be touched up. A “sprue” system is added to the wax pattern. This creates a path for the metal to flow through.

From here, the wax pattern is dipped into liquid ceramic slurry and then coated in sand. This step is repeated multiple times to create ceramic shell of sufficient thickness around and inside of the wax. The wax/shell is put into a kiln, heated to 1750° until all the wax has been melted out (thus "lost wax") and the ceramic shell is fired to a hard surface. While the ceramic mold is still hot, silicon bronze that has been heated to 2100° is poured into the hollow space. After the mold has cooled, the ceramic material is removed, the bronze sprues are cut off and the piece is ready for finishing.
It is important to note that in the US, most foundries use Silicon bronze. Silicon bronze is composed of 95.8% copper, 3.3% silicon, and 0.9% manganese. Silicon bronze is known for its easy pouring ability, lack of surface defects and superior corrosion resistant properties, even when submerged in liquids and chemicals. Foundries in China and other Eastern countries use a much lower quality bronze consisting of between 60-70% copper, often from recycled radiators and pipes. For quality castings, silicon bronze is by far the best and only choice for Carolina Bronze.